Macrena Wiederkehr Quotes
that for me, are portals to divine immanence
The greatest of all visions is to see God, in the frail and glorious human family of the world.
You live in a world of theophanies. There are burning bushes all around you. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb.
Dust, Remember Thou Art Splendor.
Trusting our own experience is not nearly as easy as it sounds. We have not been brought up to trust our experience; we have been encouraged to listen to “the ones who know.”
Dust, Remember Thou Art Splendor.
Trusting our own experience is not nearly as easy as it sounds. We have not been brought up to trust our experience; we have been encouraged to listen to “the ones who know.”
That’s us! Little-Great-Ones! The tragedy is that we keep forgetting the second part of our name, the great and glorious, precious stone part. “Little-Great-One, come home.
Home! Come home! Does not this ache that refuses to leave our hearts want to remind us that we are not yet at home? What gifts do we possess to help us on this homeward journey except our littleness and our greatness, our frailty and our splendor, our new name, lived out. Little-Great-One, come home.
Our little- ness is really a blessing, but because I had not matured sufficiently to recognize the blessedness of littleness, I allowed it to intimidate me.
The call from God is to come home, to embrace both our littleness and our greatness and come home.
Have you ever heard a call from deep within to come back home? Running away from home is not all that uncommon. Sometimes we run away from home without leaving. It hurts too much to be there and so we disappear. It is easy to disappear. People do it all the time. We disappear because we are uncomfortable with being in process.
In the midst of sorrow there’s nothing to do but be there and celebrate the hurt. We celebrate the hurt through holy screams. Holy screams come from the heart.
It often takes a backward, reflective glance to understand the depths of things.
Not only do we come home to our- selves but we discover that the self we’ve come home to is a home for God.
How often after long periods of self-rejection, standing in my own abandoned house, I, too, cry out with new-found awareness, “Truly God was in this place all the while and I never knew it."
We live daily with the exciting possibility of meeting God face to face.
It is pure gift to be able to recognize our littleness as valuable. We are a treasure waiting to be discovered. We are often the very last to discover the treasure of our- selves.
I want these words to be an encouragement to you to linger awhile over each person you meet, each person you live with, each relationship, even those people you see walking through the crowds, the strangers you do not know. Look on them with love. Con- template them. Take them into your heart.
Next time you walk through a crowd at the shopping center or on the street, try to see the people as individuals. They are people who share the earth with you.
Bless them, then, by seeing them. Look on them with love.
Bless them, then, by seeing them. Look on them with love.