From Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment - Bronte Baxter Blog
"There is peace when an individual surrenders their personal self. It does bring euphoric peace to the experiencer. The grave is peaceful, too, but you wouldn’t want to spend too much time in one. Gone is the need to think and the sting of emotional repercussions from former bad decisions. The "enlightened" need to do nothing, say nothing, become nothing. But to achieve that iced-over state of detachment, that cosmic disassociation, they must sacrifice the most precious thing they have ever been given: their personal divine spark. The "enlightened" willfully self-implode. And the universe's creative impulse to be this unique, personal expression of itself, gets subverted.
People who go the steps to such surrender do indeed experience peace, but it is the peace of spiritual death. Gone is the cry of their spirit for expression, for freedom to live and do things in the world. Gone is the frustration of the heart that lived in a box all its life. All noise is silenced.
Beware of ideologies that that are anti human life, uniqueness and diversity. That seek to wipe out the creative spark whose expression is creation. That spark burst forth from the Source in a brilliant firework display at the beginning of time. We are those sparks, children of the Infinite, and our play and display is the reason for the world.
I often think of this sad and ridiculous scenario that was acted out so many times when I was growing up, and what a metaphor it is for all decisions that are based on repressing our inner spark for the supposed higher good. What if instead we all listened to the promptings in our hearts, without judgment? What if we stopped calling those promptings “ego” and considered them messages from the divine within us, messages there to guide us through life?
A soul shrouded in judgment of itself as egoistic and selfish struggles to feel tenderness, empathy. It's been so hurt and closed for such delicate feelings. Expecting a judged soul to bloom forth in love is like expecting a seedling you poured drain cleaner on, to sprout forth in beautiful, new, green shoots.
Any spiritual leader focused on surrendering the ego leads mankind further into the dark. My kind of awake person knows that egoism is the product of self-flagellation. They advise self-trust.
My kind of "spiritual" people recognize when religions, leaders, gurus, are using teachings of love and oneness to manipulate humanity into first judging and then surrendering their precious, unique souls (in the form of their will).
They perceive that someone stands to gain from this, those who stand at the top of religions, those who call themselves God, gods or gurus.
They know that religion’s teachings of permanently dissolving the ego thwart the Infinite’s purpose by destroying souls.
My kind of leaders encourage free expression, independence, individuality.
They cheer for things like questioning, dissent, and nonconformity.
They never codify “truth” and they don’t allow others to put them on a pedestal.
They don’t appear on the rolls of “the holy” or “the Self-realized.”
Their joy and originality inspire those around them to re-evaluate the shrunken, judged personhood inside themselves, to consider whether it, too, might be capable of such luminosity.
They may inspire negativity in many, for whom it means they may have been traveling in the wrong direction all their lives.
Oneness is our nature, but teachings that tell us to surrender ourselves to Oneness are quite another thing.
Will we shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision.
Empty of thought and dynamic desire, the “liberated” person’s ego is dissolved: the very thing that made him or her human. At some point all that is left is a mind-body shell.
True liberation does not mean rising above the illusion of ourselves as egos. It means rising above the illusion that as egos we are cut off from the powerhouse of creation.
The “enlightened” have surrendered their personhood to the deities who control their meditations. The words, the thoughts, the desires of the enlightened are not their own any longer, but those of their controlling gods. The word “zombie” is appropriate because of its meaning as the walking dead. But all is not lost for such people. No one can keep the human soul enslaved against its will. An act of personal empowerment, of willfully recalling one’s ego, must surely destroy enslavement by any possessing entity. One can recall surrendered pieces of one’s being as a magnet can recall iron filings. Native American traditions speak of our ability to do just this, calling back the parts of our lost personhood.
It’s time to fire the gurus, stand up and be the powerful, sublime individuals we are. It’s time to question the dogmas we swallowed whole and take a closer look at what is happening.
"There is peace when an individual surrenders their personal self. It does bring euphoric peace to the experiencer. The grave is peaceful, too, but you wouldn’t want to spend too much time in one. Gone is the need to think and the sting of emotional repercussions from former bad decisions. The "enlightened" need to do nothing, say nothing, become nothing. But to achieve that iced-over state of detachment, that cosmic disassociation, they must sacrifice the most precious thing they have ever been given: their personal divine spark. The "enlightened" willfully self-implode. And the universe's creative impulse to be this unique, personal expression of itself, gets subverted.
People who go the steps to such surrender do indeed experience peace, but it is the peace of spiritual death. Gone is the cry of their spirit for expression, for freedom to live and do things in the world. Gone is the frustration of the heart that lived in a box all its life. All noise is silenced.
Beware of ideologies that that are anti human life, uniqueness and diversity. That seek to wipe out the creative spark whose expression is creation. That spark burst forth from the Source in a brilliant firework display at the beginning of time. We are those sparks, children of the Infinite, and our play and display is the reason for the world.
I often think of this sad and ridiculous scenario that was acted out so many times when I was growing up, and what a metaphor it is for all decisions that are based on repressing our inner spark for the supposed higher good. What if instead we all listened to the promptings in our hearts, without judgment? What if we stopped calling those promptings “ego” and considered them messages from the divine within us, messages there to guide us through life?
A soul shrouded in judgment of itself as egoistic and selfish struggles to feel tenderness, empathy. It's been so hurt and closed for such delicate feelings. Expecting a judged soul to bloom forth in love is like expecting a seedling you poured drain cleaner on, to sprout forth in beautiful, new, green shoots.
Any spiritual leader focused on surrendering the ego leads mankind further into the dark. My kind of awake person knows that egoism is the product of self-flagellation. They advise self-trust.
My kind of "spiritual" people recognize when religions, leaders, gurus, are using teachings of love and oneness to manipulate humanity into first judging and then surrendering their precious, unique souls (in the form of their will).
They perceive that someone stands to gain from this, those who stand at the top of religions, those who call themselves God, gods or gurus.
They know that religion’s teachings of permanently dissolving the ego thwart the Infinite’s purpose by destroying souls.
My kind of leaders encourage free expression, independence, individuality.
They cheer for things like questioning, dissent, and nonconformity.
They never codify “truth” and they don’t allow others to put them on a pedestal.
They don’t appear on the rolls of “the holy” or “the Self-realized.”
Their joy and originality inspire those around them to re-evaluate the shrunken, judged personhood inside themselves, to consider whether it, too, might be capable of such luminosity.
They may inspire negativity in many, for whom it means they may have been traveling in the wrong direction all their lives.
Oneness is our nature, but teachings that tell us to surrender ourselves to Oneness are quite another thing.
Will we shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision.
Empty of thought and dynamic desire, the “liberated” person’s ego is dissolved: the very thing that made him or her human. At some point all that is left is a mind-body shell.
True liberation does not mean rising above the illusion of ourselves as egos. It means rising above the illusion that as egos we are cut off from the powerhouse of creation.
The “enlightened” have surrendered their personhood to the deities who control their meditations. The words, the thoughts, the desires of the enlightened are not their own any longer, but those of their controlling gods. The word “zombie” is appropriate because of its meaning as the walking dead. But all is not lost for such people. No one can keep the human soul enslaved against its will. An act of personal empowerment, of willfully recalling one’s ego, must surely destroy enslavement by any possessing entity. One can recall surrendered pieces of one’s being as a magnet can recall iron filings. Native American traditions speak of our ability to do just this, calling back the parts of our lost personhood.
It’s time to fire the gurus, stand up and be the powerful, sublime individuals we are. It’s time to question the dogmas we swallowed whole and take a closer look at what is happening.