About 1:1 sessions - I've started offering ongoing 1:1 support, with a mutual understanding that it's intended to be a supplement rather than a replacement for psychotherapy.
Usually the people I meet with are looking to process deep confusion around what they experienced, disentangle from the harmful elements of self-negating non dual teachings, regain their sense of self and vitality, revive all dimensions of reality including the personal self, and explore possibilities of what a balanced, healthy way forward could look like, with someone who has been through the pitfalls and darkest corners of the either/or nonduality world and has an extensive understanding of its' nuanced dynamics - the good the bad and the ugly.
I'm especially passionate about helping deconstruct reductionist, either/or non dual worldviews and spiritual paths based on them, and authoritarian models of truth, to reveal their fallacies, partial truths, and supporting folks get through barriers in the way of exploring/creating/choosing other worldviews that feel more compelling, wellbeing supportive, and meaningful for you, not for me.
I'm passionate about helping people understand the origins of the reductionist non dual spirituality that has been Westernized, particularly the "direct path" movement, dispelling many myths related to it. As well as untangling from renunciate ideology that detaches us from fulfilling, enthusiastic participation in the world and relationships, and soul formation, intimacy, inter-personal flourishing, and instilled often unseen profound shame and guilt around re-embracing and valuing our healthy relational, personal, human desires, needs, expression, etc.
Usually the people I meet with are looking to process deep confusion around what they experienced, disentangle from the harmful elements of self-negating non dual teachings, regain their sense of self and vitality, revive all dimensions of reality including the personal self, and explore possibilities of what a balanced, healthy way forward could look like, with someone who has been through the pitfalls and darkest corners of the either/or nonduality world and has an extensive understanding of its' nuanced dynamics - the good the bad and the ugly.
I'm especially passionate about helping deconstruct reductionist, either/or non dual worldviews and spiritual paths based on them, and authoritarian models of truth, to reveal their fallacies, partial truths, and supporting folks get through barriers in the way of exploring/creating/choosing other worldviews that feel more compelling, wellbeing supportive, and meaningful for you, not for me.
I'm passionate about helping people understand the origins of the reductionist non dual spirituality that has been Westernized, particularly the "direct path" movement, dispelling many myths related to it. As well as untangling from renunciate ideology that detaches us from fulfilling, enthusiastic participation in the world and relationships, and soul formation, intimacy, inter-personal flourishing, and instilled often unseen profound shame and guilt around re-embracing and valuing our healthy relational, personal, human desires, needs, expression, etc.
So many people are being tragically harmed by self-negating non dual spirituality that glorifies a permanent loss, illusorization, or dis-identification with the personal individual self as the ultimate salvation from suffering, the pinnacle of spiritual attainment and human wellbeing, as well as the doorway to the one and only ultimate truth.
Harmful effects of self-negating spirituality often includes physical and mental health symptoms, social/occupational impairment, spiritual abuse, and/ or general loss of stability, community, identity, meaning and vitality, leading to an overall de-humanizing effect.
I want to support people in recovering from damaging effects of these de-humanizing ideologies and the dissolution experiences they lead to. Support in coming to terms with what we've lost, including our time, energy, and vital aspects of ourselves.
To re-vitalize your individual sense of self and unique soul, share your story, experience validation, discover resources.
Support for those wanting to recover from de-humanizing effects of non-dual ego dissolution/no-self teachings
Unhealthy, cult-like and psychologically abusive elements of teaching dynamics and the communities surrounding them.
Wishing to process what has happened, recover, reclaim and reconnect with their individuality, and revive/re-construct a healthy personal sense of self, and ultimately their vitality!
Whether you're a nondual transcendence junkie crashing back through the stratosphere or coming down the mountain from lofty heights, a soul re-emerging from the bottom of the sea or struggling to climb out of the rabbithole, I'm here for you, as someone who knows these territories intimately.
I can support you in aiding your recovery and soul revival with education around topics like spiritual bypassing, spiritual abuse, renunciate ideology etc.
You May Have Experienced or Are Experiencing
I help support people in de-programming/disentangling from the core disasociative, de-personalizing and de-realizing messages of either/or nondual ideology and deconstructing its' authoritarian 'Ultimate Truth' belief system
All feelings are welcomed and validated here! I'm inspired by and encourage values that are humanistic and pro-social, rooted in the sanctity of life and celebration of creation, and those which inspire balance, inter-connection and whole-human flourishing.
The importance of balancing critical thinking and heart.
I support who wish to distance themselves from all things "spiritual," as well as those continuing on a path of spiritual growth and/or desiring to journey from an either/or non-dual worldview to a both/and unity paradigms that celebrates the flourishing of all dimensions of our humanity.
"We can keep our dignity even within our imperfections by having a high regard for our own struggle. When we develop this attitude, we begin to experience other people in an entirely new way. Our life and their lives intersect and touch in the most intimate way. We become more human―and that is what counts most."
Harmful effects of self-negating spirituality often includes physical and mental health symptoms, social/occupational impairment, spiritual abuse, and/ or general loss of stability, community, identity, meaning and vitality, leading to an overall de-humanizing effect.
I want to support people in recovering from damaging effects of these de-humanizing ideologies and the dissolution experiences they lead to. Support in coming to terms with what we've lost, including our time, energy, and vital aspects of ourselves.
To re-vitalize your individual sense of self and unique soul, share your story, experience validation, discover resources.
Support for those wanting to recover from de-humanizing effects of non-dual ego dissolution/no-self teachings
Unhealthy, cult-like and psychologically abusive elements of teaching dynamics and the communities surrounding them.
Wishing to process what has happened, recover, reclaim and reconnect with their individuality, and revive/re-construct a healthy personal sense of self, and ultimately their vitality!
Whether you're a nondual transcendence junkie crashing back through the stratosphere or coming down the mountain from lofty heights, a soul re-emerging from the bottom of the sea or struggling to climb out of the rabbithole, I'm here for you, as someone who knows these territories intimately.
I can support you in aiding your recovery and soul revival with education around topics like spiritual bypassing, spiritual abuse, renunciate ideology etc.
You May Have Experienced or Are Experiencing
- Disassociation including de-personalization/de-realization/solipsism/dis-embodiment
- Nihilism
- Meaninglessness
- Apathy
- Aimlessness
- Loss of motivation
- Numbness
- Alienation, isolation
- Lost sense of agency
- Social anxiety
- Unwanted changes in social functioning
- Damaged relationships with loved ones
- Decreased capacity for personal relationships
- Difficulty fulfilling family and career roles
- Shame and guilt
- Inner fragmentation
- Loss of emotions
- Memory issues
- Hollowness/flatness/deadening affect/feeling zombified
- Sense of soul loss
- Feelings of madness
- Suicidal ideation
- Kundalini symptoms
I help support people in de-programming/disentangling from the core disasociative, de-personalizing and de-realizing messages of either/or nondual ideology and deconstructing its' authoritarian 'Ultimate Truth' belief system
- 'No self, no suffering"
- You are not a person / there's no you / you don't exist
- Your True Self is pure awareness / pure consciousness
- Your ego is a pernicious illusion to be overcome / destroyed / dissolved / gotten rid of / killed
- The 'separate self' is just an illusion/false construct and source of all suffering
- You are not the body/you don't have a body
- There is no doer
- The world is just an illusion / dream / projection of your imagination
- Dissolving your ego/ losing your personal sense of self = permanent liberation from suffering
- There is no past or future
- Critical thinking / rational thought / the intellect is bad
- It's egoic and self-centered to think you are a victim
- Self-concern = selfish
- Your suffering is just a story / self-created
- Your preferences, desires, needs, goals, etc. are 'egoic' the source of all suffering / something to be ashamed of
- You must detach from what is impermanent or suffer
- 'Abiding' loss of self = the pinnacle of wellbeing / development / spiritual attainment
- Nondual views are the Ultimate/Absolute Truth and questioning them = ignorance
- psychotherapeutic in nature, and are no substitute for an ongoing relationship with a psychotherapist, or other healing professional. Of course, Jeff will hold the space for the emotional material that comes up in the heart of a session, but deep work is best done with someone in close proximity. If you are in therapy, we highly recommend that you confer with your therapist first about supplementing your healing work with Soulshaping sessions. We do not want you opening up to a challenging process without someone close by to support you.
All feelings are welcomed and validated here! I'm inspired by and encourage values that are humanistic and pro-social, rooted in the sanctity of life and celebration of creation, and those which inspire balance, inter-connection and whole-human flourishing.
The importance of balancing critical thinking and heart.
I support who wish to distance themselves from all things "spiritual," as well as those continuing on a path of spiritual growth and/or desiring to journey from an either/or non-dual worldview to a both/and unity paradigms that celebrates the flourishing of all dimensions of our humanity.
"We can keep our dignity even within our imperfections by having a high regard for our own struggle. When we develop this attitude, we begin to experience other people in an entirely new way. Our life and their lives intersect and touch in the most intimate way. We become more human―and that is what counts most."
In a one-off conversation, I will hear your story and what you're going through with heart-felt interest, which in itself can be extremely healing and empowering. I can offer some guidance and point you towards resources that I think could be helpful for you. At that point there's no pressure to do ongoing support sessions with me, my biggest wish is that after this conversation you have gained a bit of hope that you can reclaim every dimension of your humanity and reality that you lost.