I raise awareness about the downplayed dangers of self-negating nonduality, de-contextualized Eastern teachings, including neo-advaita, and support individuals in avoiding and healing from its harmful effects. My work helps people navigate challenges with moving on from this worldview and move towards more humanistic perspectives, value systems, and psycho-spiritual ideals, as well as promoting alternate humanistic ontologies, and spiritual pathways, while constructively de-constructing either/or self and world denying ones.
Motivated by personal experience, I aim to do this from a place of compassion and an ethical imperative, and sincerely hope to minimize suffering, empower people to make more informed decisions about their spiritual paths, re-consider the view that losing one's sense of self is the end of suffering, and contribute to a shift away from outdated either/or Eastern spirituality, towards both/and spirituality that not only honors but celebrates the personal self as a preciously integral part of our bittersweet humanity, and the whole of existence.
"You don't get oneness by erasing yourself -
that would be oneness with a hole in it!" - Tim Freke
that would be oneness with a hole in it!" - Tim Freke